Apr 16, 2012

We awaken from hibernation....

First trip:  Trails End.
We venture out of hibernation (1) to check out the trails and see what hurricane damage (if any) they may have suffered, and (2) to try out the new engine guards.  I wisely chose to leave my bike at my uncle's house.  You will see why this was a wise choice in a few moments.  Really, the trail was not bad overall.  Main roads certainly suffered greater damage from Hurricane Irene.

We made it through most of the trail, only to find this obstacle.... Well, not really an obstacle for a BMW, but my Ural would have complained.  Good thing it's parked safely at my uncle's!

As we were sizing up the situation, another guy in a truck showed up and asked if we were ok.  He had just driven out a half hour before and the tree had been standing.  He was also sizing up the trees to determine just how he was going to get back in to his camp.

And we are on our way!