May 1, 2011

All broken in!!

This is the first weekend without rain, so it was time to take the new ride out and test her out.  As of Sunday night, I have almost 400km on bike. 
Sunday, Amy got brave and we went all the way to "our camping spot" and then to up to Red Hill.

All went relatively well, until we got to mom's and Ron wanted to go "off-road".  With zero experience at this, I frequently lost control as she pulled hard left, and got stuck in the mud.  Deep in the mud.  Even with 2-wheel drive engaged, I couldn't figure it out.

Then, I had further issues getting her from the bottom of mom's yard to the driveway.  I managed to make enough noise that several neighbors came outside to see what was going on.... I was more than a little embarrassed.  After she had some rest parked at the bottom of the driveway, Ron worked his magic on her and everything was back to normal.   Then he made me sit in the sidecar and took me out to the same "off-road" area to show me how "easy" it was.  Both bikes need a bath!  (Double click for closeup.)

I made it home without incident.   Every kilometer is easier than the one before it.  Except, I have no idea how many miles that is.   I need to get an app for that. 
Lesson learned:  I have no business riding in the mud, no matter how cool my bike looks!