Aug 12, 2012


Note:  if you scroll down to the post called "moving,"  I just updated it with pictures on 8/12/12.

We got our fishing licenses this weekend and headed off to a few spots:

Packery Channel  (over 2 days)

We found a spot that was not very crowded and set up our gear.  
The chairs were not so much for sitting, as we spent all of the time wade fishing.

Here are some more birds that were hanging around.

Aug 9, 2012

Moving again...

So you can ignore our last post about what our house looks like.  We are being forced to move because the owner (who lives in California) defaulted on his mortgage and this house was sold in a foreclosure auction this week.  Seriously?  Do you know how hot it is right now?

But, will it be a "seamless professional move"????

If you choose B:

Aug 1, 2012

Exploring the area

I'm trying to get good pictures of pelicans, but not having much luck.
Here's a start, but I'm determined to get better ones.

Check out how many are in the flock!  (And check out how empty the beach is at noon!)
These two birds were involved in a fencing match.

Little by little, we are checking out the area.  Here are some cool sights that we've seen.

Check out the free car ferry that runs continuously between Aransas Pass and Port Aransas.  We were seriously impressed by the speed and efficiency of the ferry service.