Jun 28, 2010

Camping at Little Pond, June 2010

Our favorite campground was already booked, so we decided to try Little Pond this weekend. At the time of booking, there was a 40% chance of thunderstorms....

Friday night, so far so good on the weather.
Saturday morning was pretty gloomy and rainy, so we went for a ride.
We quickly came upon this massive road hazard.
Close to Little Pond, there is a gorgeous waterfall that you can see from the road. I’m sure it was flowing so well due to the lovely weather we have in New York in June. (Double click to enlarge.)

By the afternoon, the weather lifted enough for a little bit of fishing. Not too many fish biting, but we witnessed some jumping. Still, storms are predicted for later and we don't stay on the water for very long.

Just enough time to cook dinner before...

Rain, Rain, Go AWAY!!!!

The next morning was pretty sticky, but the rain has stopped.
Today, we head over to Big Pond, which is just down the road. Here, we had a little better luck with the fishing. This was a pretty busy location, with other boaters and shore-side fishermen. Ron was the only one with success today though.

Jun 13, 2010

Swinging Bridge Reservoir June 5

The forecast called for 40% chance of thunderstorms. Ok, we'll take our chances. We borrowed the boat from the parents and off we go....

Ron started the day off by catching a bullhead on a lure.

Later in the day, he got a rock bass.  It looks bigger if you hold it close to the camera like this:

I didn't have near as much luck, and somehow managed to break my only pole...

Ron caught another rock bass after that:

but this one was not as big...
We also managed to upset a wood duck and some ducklings. Behind the ducks, look at the pollen line along the rocks!!! (You will probably have to double click the image to make it bigger if you want to see the pollen lines.)

Advice for travelers:
This is a reservoir owned by an electric company, but there is a DEC boat launch with decent parking. There is a Sheriff presence, which is reassuring, but the people that frequent this lake are severely lacking in boating etiquette. You will struggle to both launch and load your boat due to those that do not obey speed/wake limits near the launch. Similarly, you will have problems gaining access to the ramp because those same folks do not have common sense/courtesy at this process as well. (You will NOT want to use the port-a-potty!!!!!! For a full year, there has been #2 smeared all over the seat, and there is a decomposing animal right outside the port-a-potty itself. Have fun with that. Does a bear pee in the woods? This bear does NOT go to Monticello even for that!) We have gone several times now, and the only bonus is its proximity. More often, we leave frustrated at the experience. If you are into it, you do have to pass the Monticello Casino along the way. Maybe hit those bathrooms and try your luck???

Jun 6, 2010

Ausable Chasm ~ Memorial Day Weekend

Ausable Chasm: Two years ago, we crossed Lake Champlain on a ferry, and passed this huge waterfall on the way south in New York. It's taken some time to get ourselves back up here to check it out, but we finally made the drive. Check out the pictures below, and here's the web site for information if you ever want to visit: http://www.ausablechasm.com/

I will add details later, but did you know that you can double-click the pictures to make them bigger? Try it out!