Oct 30, 2011

The Festivities Go On...

Snow is not stopping us! (See the landscape beyond the window...) We have electric, and that's all we need!

 Browning, Texas, Palm Trees & Ocean Waves.  
Anything but snow...

Oct 27, 2011

It's freakin snowing. Get me out of here!!!!

October 29-30,  2011

 Ron tried to go hunting, but look at that bow!

We also had snow on October 27, 2011.  Not as significant, though.

 It's sticking already.  It's only OCTOBER!

Oct 13, 2011

Moto Camping October 2011

Wow, we started off warm and arrived freezing cold.  Look at all the leaves down and it's only the beginning of October!  Bust out the fancy cups and let's warm up.

I'm impressed with the capacity of my sidecar.  If you maximize your packing, you can bring a lot of gear and creature comforts.   

Saturday was a beautiful day for a ride... and we came upon a bridge that looks a lot like the one we got married on, except you can drive across this one.

Last chance for s'mores until spring.  Let's make it a good one!

Packed and ready for a great day to ride.  It was a damp start, but a beautiful day after that!