Nov 5, 2011

Ron's First Buck & First Kill With Bow

Ron's first deer with a bow, and first buck.  
He sure is off to a good start!
Note the snow is mostly melted.
(Remember, click any image to enlarge!)

 It's almost as big as the trailer!

 The arrow went right through, and Ron had to track it.  Not too hard to track with marks like this all through the woods.
 We found the arrow!
 Ralph helps get this monster off the ground.
 That's 204, field dressed!

Oct 30, 2011

The Festivities Go On...

Snow is not stopping us! (See the landscape beyond the window...) We have electric, and that's all we need!

 Browning, Texas, Palm Trees & Ocean Waves.  
Anything but snow...

Oct 27, 2011

It's freakin snowing. Get me out of here!!!!

October 29-30,  2011

 Ron tried to go hunting, but look at that bow!

We also had snow on October 27, 2011.  Not as significant, though.

 It's sticking already.  It's only OCTOBER!

Oct 13, 2011

Moto Camping October 2011

Wow, we started off warm and arrived freezing cold.  Look at all the leaves down and it's only the beginning of October!  Bust out the fancy cups and let's warm up.

I'm impressed with the capacity of my sidecar.  If you maximize your packing, you can bring a lot of gear and creature comforts.   

Saturday was a beautiful day for a ride... and we came upon a bridge that looks a lot like the one we got married on, except you can drive across this one.

Last chance for s'mores until spring.  Let's make it a good one!

Packed and ready for a great day to ride.  It was a damp start, but a beautiful day after that!

Sep 11, 2011

What's left of our campsite...

So it's been 2 weeks since Irene.  With great weather forecast for the day, we took a ride to see if there was anything left of our campsite.  Compare the before/after pictures.

Here are pictures from the "archives" showing what our campsite used to look like:

Now, this is the campsite after Hurricane Irene.  The stream now flows feet from where the fire pit should be, and the hill that used to lead to the stream is gone.  No more swimming hole!

(Double click to enlarge any image.)
View from the road:
 The fire pit (on the far right side) is mostly gone.
 What's left of the fire pit.
 From the fire pit, there used to be a hill up to the river bank.  
(Look above at the picture of Ron at the fire.)
From a different angle, the roots at the left are the same roots as in the campfire picture above.  This was a hill.  There was never water here.  Obviously the hill is gone now.

 You've seen pics of Ron's "dam"... long gone to be sure.  The stream is much wider now.

Who knows where this tree came from.

 This used to be dry land.  The sunny spot in the background is the original stream.
 This was a mostly dry spot, with the slightest trickle of water.  It was mossy and green.  
It was also several feet taller.

 Our tent has always been set to the right of the BMW.  Looks like a river bank now.

Now, if you go to the road...

We also found a spot where someone buried their cans, bottles, and shoe...