May 18, 2010

North South Lake May 2010

5/15 ~ weekend
Another beautiful weekend for camping, this time at North South Lake near Hunter Mountain.
Not all of the sites are even open yet, and the fire pit is so new that it has never been used.
We'll fix that!

Let's try to make Peach Cobbler again. In we go...

...cross your fingers...

Oh yea! A little undercooked is better than last time's burnt mess!!!

We did not bring the camera on our bike ride this time, but we took it for the Sunday hike.
First stop: the former site of the Catskill Mountain House. (Click link to visit info.)
The pictures below show the view today from the former site of the hotel.

Near the horizon line, the Hudson River crosses the picture.

From here, we continue up the "blue trail" to see Boulder Rock.
Here are some pictures from the hike:I'm too timid, but Ron takes a look over the edge.
That's still the Hudson River near the horizon line.

May 4, 2010

Bushkill Falls

Hiking the falls was great!

Water swirls below...

Spot the rainbow?

Looking down...

Nothing like waterfall mist on a hot day!